
Showing posts from August, 2010


Hi all! Wondering where have I been all these days? Well I was busy giving interviews, looking for a job but I think the only job I m good at is axing myself! First, I went to a famous local daily to get the job of a reporter. Considering my studies in poli sci, the interview panel asked me to explain the current political situation in Britain. I answered. They asked me my opinion on pros and cons of globalization, I answered. “What’s the distance between Margao and Ponda and Ponda and Panaji?” I was blank. “It was nice talking to you Mr. Joshi” they said “you may go.” Next stop, Vodafone. “This is a post paid business.” My immediate boss growled as soon as I cleared the interview. (I had studied some local geography by now.) My contacts at the company had given me the impression that I would be getting a desk job. But no, in reality, I had to sell postpaid sim cards to customers on the street, wander from office block to office block, house to house. ...