The book is coming...

It’s coming! All the character sketches on my blog have been turned into a book!  The book is titled ‘Cool but confused: young professionals have all the material wealth but are their minds really at peace?’
I think the theme of the book is pretty clear there.  Still, here is a little excerpt  from the first page of the book!

This is not a novel. It is a book about young professionals, their choices, attitudes and issues. Just like the people it is about, this book breaks the rule that a book must always stick to one narrative style-story or essay. Just like a young IT professional who plays with computer during the day, plays violin in the evenings and takes French classes on weekends, this book consists of a mix of stories, essays, letters and even poems!

We often hear the old heads complaining about today’s youth. They have problems with our dependence on technology, our impatience, our thinking, dressing and what not. Well, the book is built around three points.

1.      1. This is who we are. Accept it.

2.  2.  There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and aggressive. The only question is how far can you go to get what you want?
     3. We are not as insensitive and irresponsible as we are portrayed. Please try to understand us.

We are educated. We have knowledge, we have money and we have ambition, but we also have issues. We are confused. Despite having all material things, our lives seem to miss something-a purpose and a direction perhaps. Many of the yuppies try to make genuine efforts to make sense of their chaotic lives, but they don’t have the most important asset needed to contemplate things-time.

This book is about such people.

Oh, and before we part, the book is self-published. I am trying to put up a website to sell it when its out. Please buy it. I hope the book will inspire you to live life to the fullest.  That is the purpose for which I write.
Thank you!


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